- An image is worth more than 1,000 words and a video more than 100,000.
- It is the most dynamic and effective way of making your company known. Nowadays, people read less and are nourished more by information that is online and especially on video.
- With a Video on YouTube you can get millions of people to see the services or products that your company sells, in addition to segmenting them properly, if you need it. You can share a video published on YouTube on Facebook, Instagram and how many social networks you want to use.
- Having your own YouTube Channel you can advertise when you want, also with the budget you have. Campaigns can be for days, weeks or months.
- Video brings traffic to your website, where you have the opportunity to explain in more detail what you sell or the services you provide.
- Customers trust more when they see a face that presents a company, the video is synonymous with trust.
- Finally, you differentiate yourself from your competitors, your sales increase and your reach can be anywhere in the world in particular. Added to that Platforms like YouTube provide you with statistics that can help you segment your market and your target audience.